If travel is inspiration, then a recent visit to Germany is a great way to call attention to another culture and their organizing habits. Everything in Germany is organized. Everything. The sidewalks are clearly divided into lanes for bicycles and an adjacent lane for pedestrians. Road and street signs are clear and succinct, and there are just the right number of them to guide you. Supermarket aisles are full, yet compact. Portions are smaller, but still manage to make you feel full. An apartment we stayed in had a kitchen that in a 6 by 7 by 3 foot space, managed to include everything…refrigerator, stovetop, dishwasher, sink, counter, and cabinets. There were no closets, but 2 large wardrobes could hold clothing, shoes, and accessories.
There is something to be said about the thoughtfulness of how things are laid out. Clearly making good use of space and making smart decisions about what is really important. What is needed versus what is superfluous. Great inspiration indeed.