1. The Everything Out

Likes to have reminders, mementos, and project materials & belongings in plain sight and within easy reach.

2. The Nothing Out

Prefers to have surfaces cleared off and materials stored away.   Doesn’t like clutter.   Likes notebooks instead of small pieces of paper.

3. The Right Angler

Enjoys  having things look a certain way, with the appearance of precision.   Likes neatness.   Is more concerned with the ‘look’ than the utility.

4. The Pack Rat

Keeps almost everything and his/her space reflects it.    Saves items because they ‘might’ have  a purpose.

5. The Love This Mess

Believes that organizing things is a waste of time – time that could be spent on other creative pursuits.    Has insufficient knowledge or skill when it comes to organizing.    Non-conformist.

Source: How To Be Organized in Spite of Yourself, Schlenger & Roesch