While working with a client I noticed a large pile of ‘return’ items sitting in the corner of her office.   “I know I have a ton of returns – I’ll get to them,” she said exhaustingly.   This is a scenario I find repeated in many of the homes I visit – piles of things to be dealt with at a later time.     Now that it is summer, why not seize the day and make today the ‘later time?’   It’s all part of being organized  – making decisions to take action rather than constantly putting off what we need to get done.

So, take some time this summer to catch up on all of those nagging errands…you know the ones I mean…

-Taking back all of the ‘returns’ – there is money waiting to be credited to you!

-Taking clothes and linens to the dry cleaner

-Taking items to the tailor that need hemming or fixing

-Returning borrowed items to friends and neighbors

-Returning library books & other loans

-Getting letters and packages to the post office

-Taking all of your loose change to a bank change machine for dollar bills