Laundry Organizing

No matter how hard we try, the piles of laundry always seem to be there.   And, like the paper that we deal with every day, there is always more.  Here are a few tips for dealing with the never ending cycle of laundry... ~Set up your space for constant use and have...

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Holiday Overwhelm

Holiday overwhelm comes in different forms.   A few days ago I stopped in at a local store/farmstand and immediately became overwhelmed by the displays and the sheer volume of ‘stuff.’  Trees, wreaths, ribbons, ornaments, greenery, gifts, holiday music, holiday...

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Getting Organized for the Holidays…Already?

It’s barely Halloween, yet thoughts turn to the upcoming holidays bearing down on us.   Let’s focus on some of the general preparation that allows us to feel ready for celebrating.   This might consist of: Preparing your guest room. Often the guest room is the space...

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An Indoor Organizing Tune Up

It's fall and our focus moves indoors, as the days get shorter and our schedules ramp up.   Take some time to look around your indoor spaces and perform some organizing tune ups.   Here are some ideas to get you started: Kitchen ~ Fall is full of baking, tailgating,...

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