Beware of Freebies
A new outdoor shopping mall opened in the area recently. I found out about the opening from a client who told me that her husband went to the grand opening with their children and came home with loads of free stuff...stickers, t-shirts, hats, water bottles,...
7 Organizing Ideas From Peter Walsh
Organizing guru Peter Walsh has shared many creative ideas and strategies for getting and staying organized through various media outlets including O Magazine. Here are a few of his creative tips: 1. The Door Tax ~ Place an empty box near your door to collect items...
Indoor Time
If you live in the northeast right now you are probably feeling a bit of cabin fever. The snowfall is not stopping and we are stuck indoors for longer periods of time than we are used to. If this sounds like you, take advantage of some of that indoor time to do some...
A Different Kind of New Years’ Resolution
In the past few years I have had numerous clients who call me because they are ready to downsize or 'rightsize' their lives. Interestingly enough many of these individuals are not even close to retirement age. They simply want to live more in the moment, not...
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