“Busy” is Not Productive

How many times have you run into a friend or colleague and asked them how they are, only to have them respond, “I’m so busy!?”   Busy is the new normal.   Everyone has a full plate and seems to be juggling numerous balls in the air simultaneously.  ... Read more

Spring Into Action

My spring organizing classes are full and my calendar is packed with client appointments…it must be spring (or something very close to it!)  This spring is  going to include a flurry of organizing because our winter seemed harsher than usual.  More indoor time... Read more

Option Overload

I was searching for a new watch.  I found one that I loved, but there was a problem – it came in 9 different color choices. Which one should I choose? I left the store without the watch because I was too overwhelmed by the choices, and needed some time to think... Read more

Just Say No

The Book of No is the latest book by parenting expert and best selling author Susan Newman.   I was intrigued by the book’s title and topic when I heard the author interviewed on WBZ Radio.   So many of us could be better at saying ‘no.’ So many of... Read more