May 31, 2015 | Behavior, Habits/Routines, Projects, Simplicity
In the past 2 weeks I have been asked to: Bake for a school reception; work at a carwash for a school fundraiser; donate money for a school party; sign a petition; donate money for coaches’ gifts; work at a sports event concession stand; spend 2 hours... Read more
May 16, 2015 | Behavior, Clutter/DeClutter, General Organizing, Habits/Routines
Yes! There is a difference between cleaning and organizing, and, though de-cluttering is usually part of the organizing process, it is just one element of getting organized. The dictionary tells us that Cleaning is defined as: making something free of dirt, marks... Read more
Apr 7, 2015 | Behavior, Habits/Routines, Simplicity
A new outdoor shopping mall opened in the area recently. I found out about the opening from a client who told me that her husband went to the grand opening with their children and came home with loads of free stuff…stickers, t-shirts, hats, water bottles,... Read more
Dec 23, 2014 | Behavior, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Spaces
In the past few years I have had numerous clients who call me because they are ready to downsize or ‘rightsize’ their lives. Interestingly enough many of these individuals are not even close to retirement age. They simply want to live more in the... Read more
Nov 14, 2014 | Behavior, General Organizing
1. The Everything Out Likes to have reminders, mementos, and project materials & belongings in plain sight and within easy reach. 2. The Nothing Out Prefers to have surfaces cleared off and materials stored away. Doesn’t like clutter. Likes notebooks... Read more
Oct 4, 2014 | Behavior, Habits/Routines
Shopping is temptation and sometimes it is hard to resist. But if you take some time to check your supplies at home first, you might surprise yourself. Organizing is making decisions…sometimes the decision to not buy it and bring more ‘stuff’ into... Read more