STOP  – Before you put your holiday decorations, cards, and gifts away:

1.  Take a good look at your holiday decorations.   If  you did not use all of your decorations, consider donating the items you left in the attic, and, if any items are broken or need repair, plan to fix them or toss them before they end  up packed away again for the year.

2. Take inventory of what you have and what you received.   If you received gifts you do not want or need, place them in a box labelled ‘give away’ and give yourself a timeline for getting them out of your space.   The same holds true for duplicate gifts.   Also, if you received something you are keeping and you have a similar item already, consider donating the older item – one in, one out.

3. Have a plan for all the cards you received.  Did you know that you can donate new and used holiday cards?   The St. Jude’s Ranch for Children accepts used all-occasion greeting cards year-round.  Children who participate in St. Jude’s Kids Corp program use your old cards to create new cards for sale.   Also, check with your local community and senior centers, schools, and after school programs to find out if they have a need for writing and craft projects.

Happy New Year!