Organizing for a Seamless Fall Season
As we enjoy the final weeks of summer, it is easy to forget that the fall/back to school season is around the corner. To get ready for the busy season ahead, here are some organizing ideas:
~Declutter and organize your car console and glove compartment. Get rid of all of those miscellaneous items that get placed in these spaces and keep only what you use and need for your daily commute & routine.
~Declutter and organize your purse or briefcase. You might be surprised at what you find! For purses, keeping items in individual holders inside of the larger purse or bag is often a great way to compartmentalize your belongings and allow you to find them more easily.
~Review and organize your fall/winter calendar. Be sure to make note of birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions, as well as adding in any special events and ongoing commitments. Now is also a great time to purchase or download your 2018 calendar to begin entering important appointments.
~Clear & organize the reading on your bedside table. Look at all of the reading materials collected in this space and decide (realistically) what you will get to. Recycle or return everything else. Set a goal of getting thru all of the reading before Labor Day.
~Declutter & organize under your bed! Some of my clients forget what they place under their beds, so now is a great time to look and make some decisions about what stays and what goes. As you move forward, think about storing only ONE category of item under the bed – for example, all of your shorts, OR all of your sweaters OR all of your long underwear.
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