Organizing for a Seamless Fall Season
As we enjoy the final weeks of summer, it is easy to forget that the fall/back to school season is around the corner. To get ready for the busy season ahead, here are some organizing ideas: ~Declutter and organize your car console and glove compartment. Get rid of...
Tips for Organizing Young Children
Our last post talked about organizing kids to send them off to college. Now let’s take a few steps backward and go over some organizing tips for those of you that have young children at home. The most important thing to remember is that homes with children are active...
Organized Packing for College
Congratulations to all of the recent high school graduates out there! It’s never too early to start thinking about getting organized for your journey to college and your first experience with dorm life. Here are some tried and true tips for to prepare you for the...
6 Organizing Projects
1. Clear all of your bulletin and memo boards. Recycle old memos, fliers, and invitations. Be sure to enter important upcoming dates in your calendar. 2. Check expiration dates on sunscreen and bug spray to ready for their usage. 3. Tackle your junk drawer. Empty the...
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