“Busy” is Not Productive
How many times have you run into a friend or colleague and asked them how they are, only to have them respond, "I'm so busy!?" Busy is the new normal. Everyone has a full plate and seems to be juggling numerous balls in the air simultaneously. But, just because...
Back to School, Back to Work…Back to Organized!
As we all make the transition from summer to fall and back to work & school, we need to put our organizing systems back into place. Or, some of us need to implement new systems and solutions for the way we live and work. Fall gives us time for a fresh start....
As Summer Fades…
August is a time of transition - still enjoying the summer, but knowing that fall isn't far behind. As we move back toward our structured routines, here are some organizing projects and ideas to implement to give you an organized end to the summer and a fresh start...
Tips for an Organized Summer
Finally it feels like summer! Try these 3 tips to stay organized... 1. Create a winter storage area. Find a space in your home to store all of your winter gear, getting it out of the active areas of your home. Make sure the items are in good working condition...
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