Seize the Moment!
Bad weather. School cancellations. Stuck at home. What do you do? Get organized! Hopefully some of you took advantage of the recent extra hours at home due to Hurricane Sandy to go thru closets, files, drawers, cabinets, and shelves. I know I did. My kids even...
10 Minute Organizing Tips
It seems like everyone is looking for shortcuts or ways to do things quicker. On that note, I decided to come up with some 10 minute organizing tips to help you feel like you have accomplished something in a short time. Take a look and give some of them a try... 1....
Those Last Days of Summer…
We can all feel it - a few days of cooling temperatures let us know that summer is almost a memory. With precious little time left for summer's relaxed mode, it's a good time to start thinking and planning for fall - back to school, back to work, and back to busy...
Summer Organizing
Welcome to summer! It feels good to relax the schedule a bit and hopefully take some time off. For the season of sun and sand, here are a few tips for keeping things organized without going overboard: 1. Keep a bucket, basket, or bag by the front door with all of...
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