Jun 1, 2013 | Behavior, Children/Kids/Teens
Many of my clients with children ask me about ways to motivate their kids to put things away and pick up after themselves. There is no magic wand to wave, but you can lead by example and set standards within your own household. My recent visit to Amish country made... Read more
Apr 1, 2013 | Behavior, Projects
Have you ever: ~Used china bowls from the kitchen to hold office supplies? ~Used a lazy susan in the bathroom for your shampoos, conditioners and lotions? ~Laminated your child’s artwork to use as placemats? ~Used large ceramic planters to hold sports equipment... Read more
Sep 13, 2012 | Behavior, Clutter/DeClutter, General Organizing
It seems like everyone is looking for shortcuts or ways to do things quicker. On that note, I decided to come up with some 10 minute organizing tips to help you feel like you have accomplished something in a short time. Take a look and give some of them a... Read more
Jun 24, 2011 | Behavior, Children/Kids/Teens, Habits/Routines
An interesting thing happened at my son’s 5th grade class day/graduation ceremony. Each of the 100 or so children got up to say a few words. They spoke of favorite memories; their appreciation for their teachers & families; and their advice to the younger... Read more
Mar 3, 2011 | Behavior, Simplicity
I really do believe that less is more. The less ‘stuff’ we have, the less we have to maintain and hopefully, the less we have to do each day. In the book The Power of Less, author Leo Babauta mentions the form of Japanese poetry known as haiku, that... Read more