Mar 11, 2015 | Clutter/DeClutter, General Organizing, Habits/Routines
Organizing guru Peter Walsh has shared many creative ideas and strategies for getting and staying organized through various media outlets including O Magazine. Here are a few of his creative tips: 1. The Door Tax ~ Place an empty box near your door to collect items... Read more
Dec 23, 2014 | Behavior, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Spaces
In the past few years I have had numerous clients who call me because they are ready to downsize or ‘rightsize’ their lives. Interestingly enough many of these individuals are not even close to retirement age. They simply want to live more in the... Read more
Oct 4, 2014 | Behavior, Habits/Routines
Shopping is temptation and sometimes it is hard to resist. But if you take some time to check your supplies at home first, you might surprise yourself. Organizing is making decisions…sometimes the decision to not buy it and bring more ‘stuff’ into... Read more
Sep 9, 2014 | Behavior, Habits/Routines
How many times have you run into a friend or colleague and asked them how they are, only to have them respond, “I’m so busy!?” Busy is the new normal. Everyone has a full plate and seems to be juggling numerous balls in the air simultaneously. ... Read more
Sep 5, 2014 | Back to School, Habits/Routines
As we all make the transition from summer to fall and back to work & school, we need to put our organizing systems back into place. Or, some of us need to implement new systems and solutions for the way we live and work. Fall gives us time for a fresh start.... Read more
Feb 13, 2014 | Behavior, Habits/Routines
I was searching for a new watch. I found one that I loved, but there was a problem – it came in 9 different color choices. Which one should I choose? I left the store without the watch because I was too overwhelmed by the choices, and needed some time to think... Read more