Jan 2, 2014 | Behavior, Clutter/DeClutter, General Organizing, Habits/Routines
It’s a new year and a great time to implement the ‘one in – one out’ organizing principle…We all received new items for the holidays, so now, why not take a few minutes to find a similar item to donate or discard? Whether it is a piece... Read more
Aug 8, 2013 | General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Simplicity
If travel is inspiration, then a recent visit to Germany is a great way to call attention to another culture and their organizing habits. Everything in Germany is organized. Everything. The sidewalks are clearly divided into lanes for bicycles and an adjacent... Read more
Jul 18, 2013 | Behavior, Habits/Routines
The Book of No is the latest book by parenting expert and best selling author Susan Newman. I was intrigued by the book’s title and topic when I heard the author interviewed on WBZ Radio. So many of us could be better at saying ‘no.’ So many of... Read more
Jun 23, 2013 | Behavior, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Projects
While working with a client I noticed a large pile of ‘return’ items sitting in the corner of her office. “I know I have a ton of returns – I’ll get to them,” she said exhaustingly. This is a scenario I find repeated in many of the homes I visit – piles of things... Read more
May 1, 2013 | Habits/Routines, Simplicity
Recently, I spent some time in Amish country. Lancaster, Pennsylvania boasts America’s oldest Amish settlement, where thousands still live a very simple life, as they have for the last 300 years. The Amish have a penchant for organization, as their... Read more
Jul 11, 2012 | Habits/Routines, Projects, Seasonal
Welcome to summer! It feels good to relax the schedule a bit and hopefully take some time off. For the season of sun and sand, here are a few tips for keeping things organized without going overboard: 1. Keep a bucket, basket, or bag by the front door with all of... Read more