Sep 27, 2016 | General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Home, Projects, Spaces
It’s fall and our focus moves indoors, as the days get shorter and our schedules ramp up. Take some time to look around your indoor spaces and perform some organizing tune ups. Here are some ideas to get you started: Kitchen ~ Fall is full of baking,... Read more
Mar 30, 2016 | General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Home, Office
According to an Organizing Industry listing I read, April 25th thru April 29th has been designated ‘Organize Your Files Week!’ An interesting concept indeed…but why wait until April 25th, when you can start now? Here are some tips and strategies for... Read more
Feb 2, 2016 | Behavior, Family, Habits/Routines
As an organizer, people ALWAYS ask me if my house is organized. Yes, it is. But, like many of you, I live with family, which means my standards and systems can be different from theirs. Very different. For example, I make a meal, the kitchen gets cleaned up and... Read more
Jan 4, 2016 | General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Home, Seasonal
January is simultaneously my least favorite month and my most favorite month of the year. It is my least favorite because of the gray, cold weather and the short days in New England. But, as an organizer, it is my most favorite because it invigorates all of us to... Read more
Nov 20, 2015 | Habits/Routines, Holidays
~Take some time to think through and plan your holidays. This means sitting down and making some key lists of the things you need to do, and using your calendar to plan the time to do them. ~Create a gift list & budget. Creating a list of gift recipients and gift... Read more
Oct 27, 2015 | Habits/Routines
To jumpstart any organizing you are planning to do, try to start with these 4 simple habits: 1. If you take it out, put it back. 2. If you open it, close it. 3. If you throw it down, pick it up. 4. If you take it off, hang it up. Read more