More Indoor Organizing Projects
-Organize your workout clothes; -Organize your coat closet; -Organize your baking supplies; -Organize your pots, pans & lids; -Organize your cords & chargers; -Organize your board games -Organize your tools; -Organize your junk drawer
5 Indoor Organizing Projects
The grey of winter has settled in...and this year it seems more grey than ever due to the pandemic. Let's lighten the mood and get a bounce back in our step by conquering some small indoor organizing projects. Here goes... Tackle your bedside table - declutter all the...
Back by Popular Demand…31 Days of Decluttering
January represents cold, but it also represents renewal. At this time of resolutions, some of you requested a challenge. What better way to declutter than a little bit each day. It's your 31 Day Challenge! Each day of the month you will need to part with the number of...
Before the gifts arrive…
This is the time of the year that often makes parents cringe. They love the holidays, but not the excess. They love their kids, but know that they already have a lot of, well, a lot of everything. And soon, they will have more. Toys, clothes, video games, board games,...
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