Asking the Right Questions
A recently released survey by Havas Worldwide (Marketing & Communications) found that over half of the ten thousand people they surveyed across the world believed they could live without most of the items they owned. Two thirds of the respondents said that they...
Organized Emailing
Is there such a thing as being organized when you email? I never even considered this before this past week, when not once, but twice I received email messages containing celebratory praise for a group of kids, including one of my children, except both times in...
Spring Into Action
My spring organizing classes are full and my calendar is packed with client must be spring (or something very close to it!) This spring is going to include a flurry of organizing because our winter seemed harsher than usual. More indoor time means...
Option Overload
I was searching for a new watch. I found one that I loved, but there was a problem - it came in 9 different color choices. Which one should I choose? I left the store without the watch because I was too overwhelmed by the choices, and needed some time to think about...
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