Jun 23, 2013 | Behavior, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Projects
While working with a client I noticed a large pile of ‘return’ items sitting in the corner of her office. “I know I have a ton of returns – I’ll get to them,” she said exhaustingly. This is a scenario I find repeated in many of the homes I visit – piles of things... Read more
Apr 1, 2013 | Behavior, Projects
Have you ever: ~Used china bowls from the kitchen to hold office supplies? ~Used a lazy susan in the bathroom for your shampoos, conditioners and lotions? ~Laminated your child’s artwork to use as placemats? ~Used large ceramic planters to hold sports equipment... Read more
Feb 1, 2013 | Projects, Seasonal
It’s February. It’s cold. It’s gray. This is the time of year many of us start to yearn for spring. And, we would rather be under a blanket than in our attic or basement working on getting organized. So, if those areas of your house are not... Read more
Nov 4, 2012 | Projects, Spaces
Bad weather. School cancellations. Stuck at home. What do you do? Get organized! Hopefully some of you took advantage of the recent extra hours at home due to Hurricane Sandy to go thru closets, files, drawers, cabinets, and shelves. I know I did. My kids even... Read more
Jul 11, 2012 | Habits/Routines, Projects, Seasonal
Welcome to summer! It feels good to relax the schedule a bit and hopefully take some time off. For the season of sun and sand, here are a few tips for keeping things organized without going overboard: 1. Keep a bucket, basket, or bag by the front door with all of... Read more