Jun 5, 2021 | Behavior, Clutter/DeClutter, Habits/Routines, Home, Spaces
If you are like most people, you stockpiled supplies and back stock of items during the past year due to the pandemic. You wanted to limit your trips to the grocery store and other big box retailers. So, you ordered online or did shopping trips where you... Read more
Apr 11, 2021 | General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Projects, Seasonal
Put away shovels, sleds, ice melt, roof rakes, car scrapers and brushes and other winter items. Replace these with your rakes, hoses, flower pots, watering cans, and lawn care items for spring. Be sure to keep only the items that are in good working... Read more
Feb 2, 2021 | Behavior, Clutter/DeClutter, Family, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Home, Projects, Spaces
The grey of winter has settled in…and this year it seems more grey than ever due to the pandemic. Let’s lighten the mood and get a bounce back in our step by conquering some small indoor organizing projects. Here goes… Tackle your bedside table... Read more
Jan 3, 2021 | Behavior, Clutter/DeClutter, Downsizing, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Home, Projects, Seasonal, Spaces
January represents cold, but it also represents renewal. At this time of resolutions, some of you requested a challenge. What better way to declutter than a little bit each day. It’s your 31 Day Challenge! Each day of the month you will need to part with the... Read more
Nov 13, 2020 | General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Projects
Decanting is a word used to describe the practice of removing foods from their original (often disposable) packaging and placing them into other holders, often clear containers. Buying a large bag of sugar and pouring it into a glass canister is decanting. So is... Read more
Oct 4, 2020 | Family, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Home
We are all facing challenges during the current pandemic. Staying organized should be something that reduces the stress and makes life a bit easier for everyone. On that note, consider the ways that you can pivot to create systems that will work for you and your... Read more