Mar 17, 2020 | Family, General Organizing, Home, Projects
In this uncertain and unsettling time having things organized can feel good to us. It allows us to feel more in control of our possessions and surroundings, as the world spins wildly around us. Here are a few suggestions of areas where you can focus: ... Read more
Feb 3, 2020 | Closets, Clutter/DeClutter, Downsizing, Projects
Most of my clients have a love/hate relationship with clothing consignment. They love it when it goes as planned, their items are accepted and sold, even if they are sold at a discount. They appreciate that the items are donated if they aren’t sold. It is a big... Read more
Jan 9, 2020 | Behavior, Clutter/DeClutter, Habits/Routines, Projects
January represents cold, but it also represents renewal. At this time of resolutions, some of you requested a challenge. What better way to declutter than a little bit each day. It’s your 31 Day Challenge! Each day of the month you will need to part with the... Read more
Feb 22, 2019 | Clutter/DeClutter, Projects, Seasonal
We can all feel it – the close of February and the impending approach of spring. Most of us can’t wait!! Spring is a great time to clear the clutter and get organized. Let’s re-visit some tried and true tips for approaching the process… Start... Read more
Dec 2, 2018 | Family, General Organizing, Projects
As the holidays approach and we gather with family and friends, we will inevitably take lots of photos to remember the occasion. As we add photos to our collection, it’s time to consider the photographs we already have and how to reduce the volume. Take your... Read more
Aug 7, 2017 | General Organizing, Projects, Seasonal
Organizing for a Seamless Fall Season As we enjoy the final weeks of summer, it is easy to forget that the fall/back to school season is around the corner. To get ready for the busy season ahead, here are some organizing ideas: ~Declutter and organize your car... Read more