Apr 9, 2022 | Behavior, Closets, Clutter/DeClutter, Family, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Home, Projects, Seasonal, Simplicity, Spaces
Last month we focused on refreshing your clothes closet. There are certainly more areas that could use a spring cleaning, clearing or refresh. Here are some ideas: Bathroom Drawers & Cabinets ~ clear out expired items and use up those last drops of shampoos,... Read more
Mar 5, 2022 | Closets, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Projects, Seasonal, Spaces
Organizing is a process. And, that process often involves tweaking the areas we have already organized. As we head into spring and the time of rebirth and refresh, why not give some of your spaces that refresh they need? A great example of an organizing refresh... Read more
Nov 22, 2021 | Behavior, Clutter/DeClutter, Family, Habits/Routines, Holidays, Seasonal
Back in 2013, we first posted a blog reminding you of the great possibilities that lie in giving no clutter gifts, or gifts of experiences. Eight years later we are still professing the value of this type of gift: Memberships (to a museum, zoo or historical society);... Read more
Sep 16, 2021 | Behavior, Clutter/DeClutter, Downsizing, Habits/Routines, Projects
It is not always the right time to take on decluttering and organizing projects, but when you are ready…you are ready! Think about these factors as you move ahead: Have you carved out time in your calendar? Are you feeling good physically & mentally? Have... Read more
Aug 16, 2021 | Back to School, Clutter/DeClutter, Family, General Organizing, Habits/Routines, Home, Seasonal
As summer fades to fall, here are a few decluttering/organizing projects to consider: Declutter your bedside table – if you haven’t read it by now, you are probably not going to read it…Focus on your mudroom – begin to consider the seasonal... Read more
Jul 12, 2021 | Behavior, Habits/Routines, Projects
Getting your errands done is just one more part of being organized – taking action rather than putting off what we need to get done. Set some time aside to catch up on all of those nagging errands…you know the ones I mean… -Taking back all of the ‘returns’ –... Read more